Thursday, August 6, 2009

The end of a long day

So I'm finally going to sleep. It's 4am and I didn't mean to stay up this late.....oops. That's what happens when night and darkness don't always mean sleep. I just heard electron open up the closet door and climb out. He's so cute.

One of the interesting things about my job is that when I drive to work I have no idea what's going to happen. Even if I worked the night before, I can't for sure predict what will happen. I can have a very easy going night, I can be running around stressed, I can witness a very sick person get better, I can have a pt get worse, or someone might die. Each day is completely different and it's always a surprise. I mentioned this to a coworker and he said that he finds this very exciting. Personlly I don't like it. Honestly, if someone would give me an oppertunity to do something else in nursing, I might seriously take it. But I'm not giving up....I'm still determined to be good at this one.

Well, goodnight. After taking a shower, I'm ready for sleep.

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